Important Dates When Managing Airbnb in Tavernier

Important Dates When Managing Airbnb in Tavernier

Managing an Airbnb property in Tavernier, a charming village in the Florida Keys, comes with a unique set of responsibilities and key dates that hosts must keep in mind to ensure a smooth operation and maximize bookings. In this article, we will explore important dates when managing Airbnb in Tavernier. Properly managing these dates can significantly enhance your guest experience and overall success as a host.

Booking Seasons in Tavernier

Understanding the high and low booking seasons in Tavernier is crucial for maximizing occupancy rates and revenue. Tavernier experiences its peak tourist season from December to April, coinciding with the winter months when travelers from colder regions flock to the warm, sunny climate of the Florida Keys. During these months, it is essential to have your property in top condition, with all amenities functioning perfectly to meet the high demand.

Peak Season (December to April)

The winter months see an influx of visitors looking to escape the cold, which translates to higher occupancy rates and increased revenue for Airbnb hosts. On average, the daily rate during this peak season is $403.3, with December reaching a maximum daily rate of $457. February sees the highest occupancy rate at 84%, making it a crucial month for maximizing bookings. During these high-demand months, it is important to:

  • Ensure All Amenities Are Functional: Guests expect everything to be in top condition during their stay. Regular maintenance checks and prompt repairs are essential.
  • Optimize Your Listing: Highlight the best features of your property and the attractions of Tavernier. High-quality photos and detailed descriptions can make your listing stand out.
  • Implement Dynamic Pricing: Adjust your rates according to demand to maximize revenue. Higher demand periods can support higher prices, but they must be competitive to ensure bookings.

Off-Peak Season (May to November)

Conversely, the off-peak season, from May to November, typically sees a decline in tourist traffic due to the warmer weather and potential hurricane threats. During these months, the daily rate drops to an average minimum of $363 in June, and the occupancy rate can fall as low as 32% in September. However, this period can be an excellent time to attract budget-conscious travelers and those looking for a quieter getaway. Offering special discounts or packages during these months can help maintain a steady stream of bookings.

  • Offer Discounts and Packages: Attract more guests by offering discounted rates, extended stay discounts, or special packages that include local experiences.
  • Focus on Marketing: Target budget-conscious travelers and promote the unique, quieter side of Tavernier. Use social media, email campaigns, and local tourism websites to reach potential guests.
  • Prepare for Hurricane Season: Ensure that your property is equipped with necessary safety measures and have a clear communication plan for guests during storm warnings.


Important Dates When Managing Airbnb in Tavernier

Maintenance and Deep Cleaning Schedules

Maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of your Airbnb property is essential to providing a superior guest experience and ensuring positive reviews. A well-planned maintenance and deep cleaning schedule can help keep your property in excellent condition, minimize potential issues, and create a welcoming environment for your guests.

Bi-Annual Deep Cleaning and Inspection

To keep your Airbnb property in pristine condition, it is crucial to schedule a comprehensive property inspection and deep cleaning at least twice a year. The ideal times for these deep cleans are:

  • Pre-Peak Season (November): Conducting a thorough cleaning and inspection before the high tourist season begins ensures that your property is ready to welcome guests. This includes checking all appliances, plumbing, and electrical systems to ensure they are functioning correctly. Clean all carpets, upholstery, and curtains, and perform a detailed cleaning of the kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Post-Peak Season (May): After the peak season ends, another deep cleaning and inspection will help address any wear and tear that occurred during the busy months. This includes rechecking all systems and appliances, deep cleaning floors and furniture, and addressing any minor repairs that may be needed.

Routine Cleaning After Each Guest Stay

In addition to bi-annual deep cleans, implementing a routine cleaning schedule after each guest’s stay is essential. This ensures that the property is always ready for the next guest and maintains a high standard of cleanliness. Key tasks include:

  • General Cleaning: Vacuum and mop floors, dust surfaces, and clean windows. Ensure that all areas, including bedrooms, living areas, and common spaces, are spotless.
  • High-Touch Areas: Pay special attention to high-touch areas such as door handles, light switches, remote controls, and keypads. These should be disinfected thoroughly to maintain a hygienic environment.
  • Kitchen and Bathroom: Clean and disinfect all kitchen surfaces, appliances, and fixtures. Ensure the bathroom is thoroughly cleaned, including the toilet, sink, shower, and tub. Replace toiletries and restock essential items.
  • Laundry: Wash and replace all linens and towels. Ensure that the bedding is fresh and clean for each new guest.
  • Exterior Areas: If your property includes outdoor spaces, make sure these are also cleaned and well-maintained. This includes patios, decks, gardens, and any outdoor furniture.

Monthly Maintenance Checks

Regular monthly maintenance checks can help identify and address potential issues before they become major problems. Tasks to include in your monthly maintenance routine are:

  • Safety Equipment: Test smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers to ensure they are in working order.
  • Plumbing: Check for leaks under sinks, around toilets, and in any visible pipes. Address any minor leaks immediately to prevent water damage.
  • HVAC Systems: Change air filters and inspect heating and cooling systems to ensure they are functioning efficiently. Schedule professional servicing if needed.
  • Pest Control: Perform regular pest control treatments to prevent infestations. Look for signs of pests and address any issues promptly.

Seasonal Updates and Touch-Ups

Keeping your property updated and fresh can significantly enhance the guest experience. Consider seasonal updates and touch-ups to maintain a welcoming atmosphere:

  • Decor and Ambiance: Update your decor seasonally to reflect the unique charm of Tavernier. Simple touches like adding holiday decorations during Christmas or nautical-themed accents in the summer can make your property more inviting.
  • Minor Repairs: Address any minor repairs, such as loose doorknobs, squeaky hinges, or chipped paint. These small details can make a big difference in the overall guest experience.

Documentation and Tracking

Maintain detailed records of all maintenance and cleaning activities. This documentation can help you track the condition of your property over time and plan for future maintenance needs. It also provides transparency for guests and can enhance their trust in your property’s management.

By adhering to a rigorous maintenance and deep cleaning schedule, you can ensure that your Airbnb property remains in top shape, providing a consistently high-quality experience for your guests and minimizing the risk of negative reviews.

Important Dates When Managing Airbnb in Tavernier

Tavernier Local Events and Festivals

Tavernier and the surrounding areas host various events and festivals throughout the year, which can significantly impact your booking rates. Leveraging these events to attract guests can boost your occupancy and enhance your property’s appeal. Some of the key events include:

Lobster Mini-Season (July)

This two-day event in July is a major attraction for divers and lobster enthusiasts from across the country. The Lobster Mini-Season offers a unique opportunity for guests to catch their own lobsters and enjoy the underwater beauty of the Florida Keys. To capitalize on this event:

  • Promote Proximity to Prime Lobster Diving Spots: Highlight how close your property is to the best diving locations.
  • Provide Diving Equipment and Guides: Offer information on where guests can rent diving equipment and hire local guides.
  • Create Special Packages: Consider creating special lodging packages that include early check-ins or late check-outs to accommodate diving schedules.

Fantasy Fest (October)

Held in nearby Key West, Fantasy Fest is a ten-day extravaganza of parades, costume contests, street parties, and themed events that draw thousands of visitors each year. This festival is a major draw for tourists seeking a lively and unique experience. To attract guests during this event:

  • Offer Shuttle Services: Providing or coordinating shuttle services to and from Key West can make your property more appealing to festival-goers.
  • Local Information: Supply guests with information about the festival schedule, main attractions, and tips for making the most of their visit.
  • Festival-Themed Decor and Amenities: Add a festive touch to your property with Fantasy Fest-themed decor and offer amenities like body paint, costume accessories, and event guides.
  • Promote a Safe Environment: Highlight the safety measures and comfortable accommodations your property offers for festival attendees.

Marathon Seafood Festival (March)

The Marathon Seafood Festival, held in March, is one of the Florida Keys’ most beloved events. It celebrates the region’s rich maritime heritage with a variety of seafood dishes, live music, and family-friendly activities. To draw in more guests:

  • Highlight Accessibility to Marathon: Emphasize how easy it is for guests to travel from your property to Marathon.
  • Promote Festival Activities: Share details about the festival’s activities, such as cooking demonstrations, boat shows, and kids’ activities.
  • Special Offers: Create weekend packages or discounts for families attending the festival.

Key West Film Festival (November)

Held in November, the Key West Film Festival showcases a diverse range of films from around the world. This event attracts film enthusiasts and industry professionals, offering screenings, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. To attract guests:

  • Highlight Cultural Appeal: Emphasize the cultural significance of the festival and its appeal to film lovers.
  • Provide Festival Guides: Offer guests detailed guides on the festival’s schedule, film line-up, and key venues.
  • Special Packages: Create film festival packages that include early check-ins, late check-outs, or complimentary transportation to Key West.

Annual Nautical Flea Market (February)

The Annual Nautical Flea Market, held in Islamorada each February, is a popular event for boating enthusiasts and maritime aficionados. It features a wide range of nautical items, from boats and fishing gear to marine electronics and artwork. To capitalize on this event:

  • Target Boating Enthusiasts: Highlight your property’s amenities that cater to boaters, such as dock access or proximity to marinas.
  • Promote Local Connections: Share information about the flea market and other local attractions that might interest your guests.
  • Special Discounts: Offer special rates or packages for guests attending the flea market.

By aligning your property management strategies with these local events and festivals, you can significantly enhance your Airbnb’s appeal, attract more guests, and boost your booking rates throughout the year.

Hurricane Season Preparations

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, with the highest likelihood of storms occurring between August and October. As a host, it is imperative to have a comprehensive hurricane preparedness plan in place to protect your property and ensure the safety of your guests. Here are the key steps to prepare for hurricane season effectively:

Emergency Contact Information

Providing your guests with clear and comprehensive emergency contact information is crucial for their safety during a hurricane. This information should include:

  • Local Emergency Numbers: Provide numbers for local emergency services, including police, fire department, and medical services.
  • Shelter Locations: List nearby hurricane shelters with addresses and contact information. Include directions from your property to these shelters.
  • Property Manager Contact: Ensure that guests have a way to contact you or your property manager 24/7 for assistance and updates.
  • Utility Company Contacts: Include contact information for local utility companies for electricity, water, and gas in case of outages or emergencies.

Property Safeguards

Protecting your property from hurricane damage requires proactive measures. Implementing the following safeguards can help minimize damage and ensure the safety of your guests:

  • Secure Outdoor Furniture: Store or anchor all outdoor furniture, decorations, and equipment. Flying debris can cause significant damage during high winds.
  • Install Storm Shutters: Ensure that all windows and doors have storm shutters or impact-resistant glass. Regularly inspect these installations to ensure they are in good condition.
  • Roof and Gutter Maintenance: Check the roof for loose shingles or tiles and ensure gutters and downspouts are clear of debris to prevent water damage.
  • Flood Barriers: Consider installing flood barriers or sandbags around the property to protect against flooding, especially if your property is in a low-lying area.
  • Adequate Insurance: Review your insurance policy to ensure it covers hurricane-related damage. Consider additional coverage for flood damage if necessary.


Maintaining open lines of communication with your guests is essential during hurricane season. Effective communication ensures that guests are informed and can make safe decisions:

  • Pre-Arrival Information: Before guests arrive, provide information about the hurricane season and your property’s preparedness plan. Include details on what they should do in the event of a storm.
  • Weather Updates: Monitor weather forecasts and keep guests informed of any potential threats. Use reliable sources such as the National Hurricane Center.
  • Evacuation Procedures: Clearly outline the evacuation procedures in case a mandatory evacuation is ordered. Provide maps and directions to evacuation routes and shelters.
  • Safety Instructions: Place a visible safety manual in the property that includes detailed instructions on how to prepare for a hurricane, including securing the property, stocking emergency supplies, and staying safe indoors.

Stock Emergency Supplies

Ensure your property is equipped with essential emergency supplies that guests can use in the event of a hurricane:

  • First Aid Kit: A well-stocked first aid kit with basic medical supplies.
  • Non-Perishable Food and Water: At least a three-day supply of non-perishable food items and bottled water.
  • Flashlights and Batteries: Several flashlights and an ample supply of extra batteries.
  • Battery-Powered Radio: A battery-powered or hand-crank radio to stay informed about weather updates if the power goes out.
  • Basic Tools: Tools such as a wrench, pliers, and duct tape for emergency repairs.
  • Personal Hygiene Items: Supplies such as hand sanitizer, moist towelettes, and trash bags for sanitation.

Guest Education and Engagement

Educate your guests about hurricane preparedness and engage them in the process to ensure their safety:

  • Welcome Packet: Include hurricane preparedness information in your welcome packet or guest manual.
  • Pre-Check-In Briefing: Consider giving a brief overview of hurricane safety measures during the check-in process, especially if a storm is predicted.
  • Encourage Proactivity: Encourage guests to stay informed about the weather and to follow any instructions or advisories issued by local authorities.

By implementing these hurricane season preparations, you can significantly enhance the safety of your guests and protect your property from potential damage. Being well-prepared not only ensures a safer environment but also demonstrates your commitment to guest safety, which can positively impact your reviews and reputation as an Airbnb host.

Important Dates When Managing Airbnb in Tavernier

Tax Filing Deadlines

Managing an Airbnb property involves various financial responsibilities, including tax obligations. Familiarizing yourself with local and federal tax filing deadlines is essential to avoid penalties and ensure compliance. In Tavernier, as part of Monroe County, hosts must navigate both local and state tax requirements, in addition to federal obligations. Here is a detailed overview of the tax filing requirements:

Tourist Development Tax

In Tavernier, hosts are required to collect and remit a 5% Tourist Development Tax on all short-term rentals. This tax applies to the total rental amount collected from guests who rent the property for a period of six months or less. This includes accommodations in hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums, and similar lodging establishments. The key aspects of the Tourist Development Tax are as follows:

  • Tax Rate: 5% on the total rental amount.
  • Applicable Rentals: Applies to all short-term rentals of six months or less.
  • Collection: The tax must be collected from every guest at the time of booking.
  • Remittance: This tax is collected by the Monroe County Tax Collector pursuant to Monroe County Code, Chapter 23, “Taxation,” Article VI, as authorized by Florida Statute 125.0104.

State of Florida Sales and Use Tax

In addition to the local Tourist Development Tax, hosts must also remit a 7.5% State of Florida Sales and Use Tax. This tax is applicable to the rental income earned from short-term rentals and must be remitted to the Florida Department of Revenue. Here are the details:

  • Tax Rate: 7.5% on the rental income.
  • Applicable Rentals: Applies to all short-term rentals, similar to the Tourist Development Tax.
  • Collection: This tax must be collected from guests along with the rental payment.
  • Remittance: The tax is remitted to the Florida Department of Revenue. Ensure timely filing to avoid penalties.

Federal Tax Obligations

Beyond state and local taxes, you must report your rental income on your federal tax return. Here are some important points to consider:

  • Income Reporting: All rental income must be reported on your federal tax return. Use Schedule E (Form 1040) to report income and expenses from rental real estate.
  • Expense Deductions: Keep detailed records of all expenses related to your Airbnb property. This includes mortgage interest, property taxes, maintenance, repairs, utilities, insurance, and any other expenses that directly relate to the rental activity.
  • Depreciation: You can also depreciate the cost of your property over its useful life, which provides a significant tax deduction.
  • Filing Deadline: The federal tax filing deadline is typically April 15th each year. If you need more time, you can file for an extension using Form 4868, which gives you until October 15th.

Record-Keeping and Compliance

Maintaining detailed and accurate records is crucial for tax compliance and for maximizing your deductions. Here are some best practices:

  • Document Income: Keep records of all rental income received, including receipts and bank statements.
  • Track Expenses: Maintain detailed records of all expenses related to your property. Use accounting software or spreadsheets to categorize and track these expenses.
  • Save Receipts: Keep receipts for all purchases and services related to the property. This includes receipts for maintenance, repairs, utilities, and supplies.
  • Hire a Professional: Consider hiring a tax professional or accountant who specializes in rental properties to ensure compliance and to take advantage of all possible deductions.

Filing Deadlines and Remittance

  • Tourist Development Tax: The Tourist Development Tax must be remitted monthly to the Monroe County Tax Collector. The due date is the 20th of each month for the previous month’s rentals.
  • State of Florida Sales and Use Tax: This tax must also be remitted monthly to the Florida Department of Revenue. The due date is the 20th of each month for the previous month’s rentals.
  • Federal Taxes: The federal tax filing deadline is April 15th. If filing for an extension, the deadline is October 15th.

By adhering to these tax filing deadlines and maintaining meticulous records, you can ensure that your Airbnb operations in Tavernier are compliant with all local, state, and federal tax regulations. This not only helps avoid penalties but also optimizes your financial management and tax savings.

Airbnb License and Permit Renewals

Operating an Airbnb in Tavernier, which is part of Monroe County, Florida, requires obtaining and maintaining several key licenses and permits. Ensuring compliance with local regulations involves navigating various requirements, including business licenses, vacation rental licenses, zoning permits, and more. Here’s a detailed guide to help you manage these effectively:

1. Business License

In Monroe County, all rental properties, whether long-term or short-term, must have a business tax license. This is necessary to operate legally and to comply with county regulations.

  • Application Process: You need to apply for a business tax license through the Monroe County Tax Collector’s office. The application process involves providing details about your property and the nature of your rental operations.
  • Fees: The fees for the business tax license vary depending on the specifics of your rental property. It’s crucial to check the exact fees on the Monroe County Tax Collector’s website.
  • Renewal: Business licenses must be renewed annually. Make sure to track the expiration date and renew the license promptly to avoid penalties or operational interruptions.

2. Vacation Rental License

A special vacation rental license is required for properties rented out on a short-term basis in Tavernier. This license ensures that your property meets all local regulations for short-term rentals.

  • Application Requirements: To obtain this license, you must provide proof of ownership, a valid business license, and pass an initial fire and life safety inspection conducted by the Monroe County Fire Marshal’s office.
  • Fees: The initial application fee for a vacation rental permit is $490, with renewal fees set at $100 annually. Additional fees apply for the mandatory fire safety inspections, which vary depending on the size of the property.
  • Renewal: This license must be renewed annually. Renewal involves submitting updated information and undergoing another fire safety inspection.

3. Zoning Permits

Zoning regulations in Monroe County determine where short-term rentals are allowed. It’s essential to ensure that your property is in a compliant zone.

  • Zoning Check: Verify your property’s zoning status by consulting Monroe County zoning maps or contacting the zoning department directly.
  • Application: If your property is in an allowed zone, you need to apply for a zoning permit. The application should detail your property and its intended use as a short-term rental.
  • Renewal: Zoning permits typically don’t require annual renewal, but it’s important to stay informed about any zoning law changes that might affect your property’s status.

4. Safety and Health Inspections

Monroe County requires that all short-term rental properties pass regular safety and health inspections to ensure they meet local standards.

  • Initial Inspection: An initial fire and life safety inspection is required to obtain your vacation rental license. This includes checking for smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and overall property safety.
  • Periodic Inspections: Follow-up inspections are required annually to renew your vacation rental license. Schedule these inspections in advance and address any issues promptly to remain compliant.
  • Inspection Fees: Fees for these inspections vary based on the property size, with additional costs for re-inspections if necessary.

Staying Informed and Compliant

Regular Checks for Regulation Changes

Local regulations can change, so it’s crucial to stay updated.

  • Monroe County Website: Regularly visit the Monroe County government website for updates on laws and regulations.
  • Professional Associations: Joining local property owner or hospitality associations can provide updates on regulatory changes and offer guidance on compliance.
  • News Alerts: Set up alerts for news on local regulations affecting short-term rentals.


Maintaining thorough records is essential for compliance.

  • Digital and Physical Copies: Keep both digital and physical copies of all permits and licenses.
  • Expiration Dates: Use a calendar or digital reminder system to track expiration dates and renewal deadlines.
  • Inspection Reports: Keep all inspection reports and related documents organized and easily accessible.

Professional Assistance

Consider hiring a property management company or legal advisor who specializes in short-term rental regulations.

  • Expert Guidance: These professionals can help navigate complex regulatory landscapes and ensure all permits and licenses are up to date.
  • Compliance Monitoring: Professional services can monitor compliance on an ongoing basis, providing peace of mind.

By diligently managing your licenses and permits, staying informed about regulatory changes, and keeping detailed records, you can ensure the continuous and legal operation of your Airbnb property in Tavernier. This proactive approach helps avoid fines, legal issues, and interruptions to your business, allowing you to focus on providing a great experience for your guests​

Important Dates When Managing Airbnb in Tavernier

Seasonal Decor and Updates

Keeping your property fresh and appealing through seasonal decor and updates can significantly enhance the guest experience and encourage repeat bookings. In Tavernier, leveraging the unique charm of the Florida Keys can make your Airbnb stand out. Here are some detailed suggestions tailored to the seasons and local attractions:

Spring (March to May)

  • Theme: Embrace the natural beauty of spring with vibrant, floral decor.
  • Floral Arrangements: Use fresh flowers or realistic silk flowers to brighten up living spaces. Consider local blooms like hibiscus or bougainvillea.
  • Pastel Colors: Incorporate pastel-colored throw pillows, linens, and artwork to create a light and airy atmosphere.
  • Outdoor Spaces: Enhance patios or balconies with comfortable seating, outdoor rugs, and potted plants. Highlight nearby attractions, such as the Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center.

Summer (June to August)

  • Theme: Capture the essence of the beach and ocean with nautical-themed decor.
  • Nautical Accents: Add decor elements such as seashells, driftwood, and marine-themed artwork. Use blue and white color schemes to evoke the sea.
  • Beach Gear: Provide beach towels, umbrellas, and snorkeling gear for guests. Include a guide to the best local beaches and water activities.
  • Outdoor Entertaining: Set up an outdoor dining area with a grill and fairy lights. Mention summer activities like fishing trips or sunset cruises in your welcome guide.

Fall (September to November)

  • Theme: Reflect the cozy and relaxed vibe of fall with warm tones and comfortable furnishings.
  • Warm Colors: Use autumnal colors like orange, red, and gold in your decor. Add cozy blankets and soft pillows to the living areas.
  • Pumpkin and Harvest Decor: Incorporate small pumpkins, gourds, and harvest-themed centerpieces. Highlight local fall events and festivals.
  • Interior Lighting: Create a warm ambiance with soft lighting, such as lanterns and candles. Inform guests about nearby fall activities like fishing tournaments or scenic drives.

Winter (December to February)

Theme: Bring holiday cheer and warmth to your property with festive decorations.

Holiday Decorations: Decorate with Christmas trees, wreaths, and holiday lights. Use colors like green, red, and gold to create a festive atmosphere.

Cozy Amenities: Provide plush throws, warm bedding, and hot beverage stations. Offer guides to holiday events and local attractions.

New Year’s Updates: Freshen up with new decor items, update guest information packets, and promote local New Year’s Eve events in Key West.

Periodic Photo Updates

High-quality images are crucial for attracting potential guests and increasing your listing’s visibility. Regularly update your property photos to showcase any new amenities, improvements, or seasonal decor changes. Here are some tips:

  • Professional Photography: Hire a professional photographer to take new photos at least once a year or whenever significant updates are made.
  • Highlight Seasonal Decor: Capture your seasonal decor in different settings to show guests how your property transforms throughout the year.
  • Showcase Amenities: Include photos of new amenities or upgrades, such as a renovated kitchen, new furniture, or added outdoor features.
  • Local Attractions: Add photos of nearby attractions and events to give guests a sense of what they can enjoy during their stay.

Tips for Effective Seasonal Updates

  • Stay Relevant: Align your decor with current trends and guest preferences. Use feedback from guests to make informed updates.
  • Budget Wisely: Plan your decor updates according to your budget. Small changes like new throw pillows or wall art can make a big difference without a significant investment.
  • Highlight Local Culture: Incorporate elements of local culture and history into your decor. This can include artwork from local artists or decor that reflects the unique charm of Tavernier.

By regularly updating your decor and showcasing these changes through high-quality photos, you can keep your Tavernier Airbnb property appealing and engaging for guests throughout the year. This approach not only enhances the guest experience but also helps in maintaining high occupancy rates and securing positive reviews.

Important Dates When Managing Airbnb in Tavernier

Holiday and Special Occasion Preparations

Holidays and special occasions are prime opportunities to attract travelers seeking unique and memorable experiences. Tailoring your offerings to cater to these guests can significantly boost your bookings and enhance guest satisfaction. Here’s how you can prepare your Tavernier Airbnb for holidays and special occasions:

Valentine’s Day

Romantic Packages:

  • Champagne and Flowers: Offer a romantic package that includes a bottle of champagne, fresh flowers, and chocolates upon arrival.
  • Couple’s Activities: Provide information about local romantic activities such as sunset cruises, fine dining restaurants, and secluded beaches.
  • Decor: Set a romantic ambiance with candles, soft lighting, and rose petals.


  • Listing Description: Highlight the romantic features of your property in your Airbnb listing.
  • Social Media: Use visually appealing posts on Instagram and Facebook to showcase the romantic setup.
  • Local Tourism Websites: Collaborate with local tourism websites to feature your romantic packages.


Family-Friendly Bundles:

  • Easter Egg Hunt: Organize an Easter egg hunt in the backyard or nearby park. Provide baskets and hidden eggs filled with treats.
  • Easter Breakfast: Offer a special Easter breakfast package with locally sourced ingredients.
  • Decor: Decorate with pastel colors, bunnies, and spring flowers.


  • Listing Updates: Update your Airbnb listing with details about the Easter activities and amenities.
  • Email Campaigns: Send out email newsletters to past and potential guests highlighting your Easter offerings.
  • Community Involvement: Partner with local businesses to promote your Easter packages.
  • Thanksgiving

Family Gatherings:

  • Thanksgiving Feast: Provide options for guests to order a Thanksgiving feast from local restaurants or offer a fully equipped kitchen for preparing holiday meals.
  • Games and Entertainment: Include board games, a streaming service with holiday movies, and information about local Thanksgiving events.
  • Decor: Use autumn-themed decor such as pumpkins, gourds, and warm lighting.


  • Holiday Listings: Emphasize the family-friendly aspects of your property in your holiday listing.
  • Social Media Ads: Run targeted ads on social media platforms to attract families looking for a holiday getaway.
  • Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local caterers and restaurants to offer special Thanksgiving meal deals for your guests.

General Tips for All Occasions

  • Customized Welcome Notes: Leave personalized welcome notes that align with the theme of the holiday or special occasion.
  • Local Experiences: Partner with local tour operators and businesses to offer exclusive experiences, such as fishing trips, diving excursions, or guided nature tours.
  • Special Discounts: Offer discounts for extended stays or repeat bookings during holiday periods.

By tailoring your Tavernier Airbnb to cater to holidays and special occasions, you can create memorable experiences for your guests, which will lead to positive reviews and repeat bookings. Use various promotion channels to ensure your offerings reach a broad audience, and continuously update your property to reflect the festive spirit of each season.

By staying organized and attentive to important dates when managing Airbnb in Tavernier, you can successfully manage your Airbnb property in Tavernier, providing an exceptional experience for your guests and maximizing your rental income.