Mastering Orlando Short-Term Rental Laws

Mastering Orlando Short-Term Rental Laws

The allure of investing in the short-term rental market in Orlando is stronger than ever, given the city’s robust tourism industry. However, navigating through the maze of local rental laws is paramount to running a successful and compliant short-term rental venture. This comprehensive guide aims to elucidate the key legal frameworks and compliance requisites imperative for operating short-term rentals in Orlando.

Orlando’s Legal Landscape for Short-Term Rentals

In Orlando, a short-term rental refers to any rental period of less than 30 days. Notably, the city has one of the most stringent regulatory environments in Florida, particularly concerning single-family homes. The turning point came on July 1, 2018, when Orlando transitioned from a blanket prohibition of short-term rentals to permitting two distinct types: Home-Sharing and Commercial Dwelling Units.

Home-Sharing Paradigm

Home-sharing is a model where you can utilize your single-family residence or other ancillary dwelling units for short-term rentals under specific conditions:

  • The property should be your permanent residence, thereby disallowing the short-term rental of wholly unhosted units.
  • Rentals are confined to one party (or parties) at a given time.
  • A maximum of half the bedrooms in your dwelling can be rented out.
  • Occupancy is capped at two individuals per room and a total of four non-relatives per dwelling.
  • Interestingly, despite these rigorous stipulations, home-sharing is permissible in any zoning category within the city.

Commercial Dwelling Unit Spectrum

Owners of commercial dwelling units like vacation rental condos have the liberty to rent out the entire unit, albeit they are barred from operating in the city’s residential zones.

To ascertain your property’s zoning district and explore the table of allowable uses, you can visit The zoning specifics for Home Share and Bed & Breakfast are detailed in their respective code sections.

Useful links:

Business License Requisites

Embarking on the home-sharing journey necessitates an online application for Home Sharing Registration, accompanied by an inaugural fee of $275. Subsequent annual fees are pegged at $100 for owner-resided properties and $125 for non-owner-occupied properties.

Building and Housing Standards

Ensuring your living spaces are duly inspected and permitted is crucial. Any DIY conversions, like garage or carport enclosures, must be inspected and approved before they are eligible for renting. It’s prudent to note that creating additional bedrooms may influence your property tax appraisal, necessitating a consultation with the office of the Orange County Property Appraiser.

Taxation Compliance

Short-term rental hosts are obliged to collect lodging taxes from their guests. The tax composition includes a 6% Transient Tax and a 0.5% County Discretionary Sales Surtax levied by the State, along with a 6% Tourist Development Tax by Orange County.

Adherence to Other Regulatory Frameworks

Being a responsible host entails a thorough understanding and adherence to other binding rules and regulations, including leases, community rules, HOA rules, or guidelines established by tenant associations. Engaging with your landlord, housing authority, or community council can provide invaluable insights. For a deeper dive into other regulations, Orlando’s official website is a rich resource.

Navigating Neighborhood Acceptance

One of the pivotal aspects often overlooked in the short-term rental realm is neighborhood acceptance. A harmonious relationship with the neighborhood can significantly smooth your short-term rental operations. Conversely, neighborhood grievances can escalate to legal complaints, which might impede your business. Here are a few steps to foster neighborhood acceptance and mitigate potential discord:

  • Community Engagement: Engage with your community, attend local meetings, and be open to their concerns. Your willingness to address and mitigate any issues arising from your short-term rental operations will go a long way toward building a positive rapport.
  • Transparent Communication: Maintain clear communication channels with your neighbors. Inform them about your short-term rental endeavor, provide them with your contact information for any emergencies, and keep them updated on any significant changes in your operations.
  • Adherence to Noise and Other Local Ordinances: Ensure your guests are well-informed about and adhere to local noise restrictions, parking rules, and other relevant ordinances. Implementing a good neighbor policy, which includes these local rules, can be beneficial.
  • Effective Guest Screening: Implement a stringent guest screening process to ensure that your guests are responsible and respectful of the local community norms.
  • Prompt Response to Issues: Address any issues, complaints, or concerns from neighbors promptly and professionally. Your proactive approach to resolving community issues can foster a conducive environment for your short-term rental business.
  • Utilize Online Platforms Wisely: Platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo offer features like ‘Community Concerns’, where neighbors can report issues directly. Ensure you monitor these platforms for any community feedback and address concerns diligently.

Incorporating these proactive measures can significantly enhance neighborhood acceptance, creating a favorable ecosystem for your short-term rental venture in Orlando. Through community engagement and adherence to local regulations, you not only comply with the legal requisites but also contribute to building a harmonious neighborhood conducive to the flourishing of your short-term rental business.


The endeavor to excel in Orlando’s short-term rental market is an enticing prospect, melding lucrative potential with the charm of the city’s vibrant tourism sector. Yet, the journey is intertwined with a myriad of legal and communal guidelines that demand a meticulous approach to compliance and community harmonization. This comprehensive narrative has traversed the critical legal frameworks, from the home-sharing paradigm to the commercial dwelling spectrum, elucidating the requisites for a compliant and successful short-term rental venture. Beyond legal adherence, the essence of neighborhood acceptance has been spotlighted, underscoring the symbiotic relationship between community engagement and business success. The roadmap to a thriving short-term rental enterprise in Orlando is thus etched in legal astuteness, community resonance, and an unwavering commitment to operational excellence. As you venture into this promising yet regulated domain, armed with knowledge and a community-centric approach, the horizon beams with the promise of success and mutual community enrichment.

Check out short-term rental rules in other Florida cities: